Ganchev’s history

През 1972 г. в Асеновград е открито първото предприятие за детски храни в България. Консервен комбинат „Бригада” е произвеждал ежегодно 15 000 тона детски пюрета, като половината от тях са отивали за износ за СССР. 

През 1976 г. изпреварваме САЩ и Швеция по консумация на детски храни от едно дете. Така потреблението им стига до 9000 тона годишно „Ганчев” е компания, наследила Консервен комбинат „Бригада” гр. Асеновград. Към днешна дата “Ганчев” ЕООД е 100% частна собственост.

Фирмата е лидер на пазара за детски храни в национален мащаб. Брандът е добре познат, както сред потребителите така и сред лекарите и се радва на тяхното доверие и лоялност.

The integration of four basic components ensures the quality of our products:

  • Technology
  • Responsibility
  • Relationship to the customer
Thanks to our exceptionally modern production base, “Ganchev” ensures the production of products with exceptional quality and rich nutritional value, in which the utmost nutritional qualities and the valuable components included in fruits, vegetables and meats are preserved.

Products for sucklings are a very specific and sensitive matter. Protection of the health of children requires uncompromising quality of products, processes and finished packing. That is why we are in constant cooperation with foreign institutes in food technology, certified laboratories and professional pediatric doctors. Our goal is to continuously optimize the existing recipes and develop new products, offering diversity in the nutrition tailored to the specific needs of the child in the first months and years of its growth.

We have adopted as our mission – to always produce quality and safe baby food, knowing huge responsibility we have for our children.

Recognizing its important role in the society, “Ganchev” follows a continuous program for social responsibility. An integral part of it is the constant supervision. That is why we are certified by ISO 2001:2000 – HACCP. Forthcoming within this year 2009 is an upgrade of our company and its certification based on the international standards ISO 22000:2005 and IFS Version .

The company always strives to meet the needs and expectations of its customers. As a result, leading to us are the shared experiences and impressions, the feedback from our customers and the strive to create and offer the best for our children.